wanhin | Grow old with you.
CNY visiting @ Qiao Mei's house
Saturday, 4 February 2006
3:26 am

Less talk, more pictures.

Yu Sheng in a tin foil!

Lou Hei!

Hwee Zi's feeling cold, but Yixin and Qiaomei laughs at her mercilessly.

Superbabe of the year 2006 - Si Rui~

Olympus saleswoman convinces satisfied customer to purchase her cameras.

Sony Ericsson salesman demonstrating the functions of the k750i

"May I take a seat?" "Go ahead. I don't care."

2 out of 3 think Pokka is the better brand.

"Talk to the hand."

"Yeah. talk to the hand."

Rallying the people for the coming elections.

The audience isn't convinced. "I'm still gonna vote PAP."

The new electoral mascot.

Parting shot. That's Kian Hai and Licheng in the back,
Yixin, Hwee Zi and Qiao Mei in the middle,
& myself and Si Rui, the only two fools sitting on the floor.
