Yet another meeting, yet another duel of words.. the AGM didn't seem to hold any amount of importance in them hearts to be worthy of a decent conduct.. But who am I to judge? I'm only a junior member..
Anyways, I suddenly received lots of offers to play in bowls competitions overseas.. HongKong, Kuala Lumpur, Perth... Where am I gonna find the time? Or the approval from any of my bosses? (The new boss especially.. doesn't seem like the friendly sort.. But I digress..)
Pictures from the AGM/Annual dinner we had today~
Rave night? Nope. Its Annual dinner night~
Camera's here, girls.
"Ok. I'll look at your camera."
"We'll both look at it."
OMGZWTFBBQ! I'm in the pic~!
Clubbing's 2 streets down, miss.
"Enough with the bloody camera. Come take some happy couple shots with me." *cold stare*
Happy couple shot.
Look! we're a happy couple shot too!
"Screw his cameraphone. We'll take our own happy couple shots."
"Where's my happy couple shot?"
There we go.~
Year of the tiger.
Born in the year of the hardworking, dilligent, patient ox.
Beware of dangerous empty paint cans.
Parting shot. Shirts and backpacks do NOT go with each other.
Everything is gonna be alright. (Really?)
"Which would you prefer,
My finger on the trigger or,
Me face down across your floor?"