wanhin | Grow old with you.
We demand a Shrubbery!
Thursday, 16 August 2007
1:10 am

Happenings. (In chronological order, oldest on top.)

- Mugged like crazy for sociology

- Ate KFC with FAC.

KFC. mmm.

- Bought a tiak-tiak pen for clinical after a week-long treasure hunt.


- Mugged like crazy for sociology.

- Finished the sociology paper. Wasn't too bad.

- Training. (perplexes me, why do I still bother?)

- Ate joey's reccomended lor mee. I still think my lor mee wins her lor mee.

Not my lor mee. Not joey's either.

1 down, 5 to go.

Well, now I've got Foundation of Nursing to mug for. Drats.

At least Hong Kong is creeping closer and closer.

As well as clinicals. (Can't wait.)

Sidenote: Anybody (by 'Anybody', I really mean the nursing people.) interested in a gathering of some sort? (To say 'Class' is a bit ambitious, buy hey, who knows what might happen.)
