I think humans are fascinating creatures. Some will go to all lengths just to ply that wallet a little more, at the expense of well.. everything else.
Anyway, if you want to be a successful businessman, heed the below advice! p.s. the below e-mail extracts are not reproduced in its entirety, only snippets to exemplify the sheer foolishness of the entire fracas.
Hi Wan Hin, 99.99% of the guys on my mailing list are not successful. If you're the 0.001% who is successful, please bear with me.
In this email, I would like to share with you the traits of what I've notice amongst successful businessmen. If you're not the 0.001%, you better read this hard.
I'm going to term these traits as "SUCCESS TRAITS". Read on...
Right. So you tell me that I'm either unsuccessful, which I'd need your help, or I'm successful, In which you just successfully kissed my ass.
*************** Success Trait 1 ***************
"It's not whether I can make money. It's how I can make money."
- Most of the times, successful Entrepreneurs and Businessmen are very positive. They don't whine. They always look at a glass filled with 50% water as half full rather than half empty.
A lot of people fail to ask intelligent questions. They are asking themselves whether they can make money when they should be asking the right questions like 'How'. One of the easiest way to do that would be to either mimic the success of others or find a good mentor that will show them the light.
If you're the kind that tells yourself, "I can never as successful as him or I can never have that kind of money", well you've just cast the nail into your coffin and tell the world you're a loser.
Now he tells me that if I'm unsuccessful, I should look upon him as a leader, and not turn him away, lest I tell the world that I am a Loser. Oh dear.
*************** Success Trait 2 ***************
- Birds of the same feather flock together. IT Managers tend to hang around IT Managers, CEOs tend to hang around with CEOs. If you are interested to be successful, the first thing you need to discard your friends.
The question is, why would a CEO entertain you if you're just an executive or manager? The answer would be networking. If you are serious on being successful, the first thing you need to do is to attend lot's of networking activities...because at the end of the Day, "It's not What You Know or Who You Know...But Who Know's You!".
Do yourself a favour and dis-associate yourself with the losers. If you hang around with 9 losers, you are No. 10.There are 6.1 Billion people out there, it's time to find new friends.
This one really takes the cake. "Sell your soul to me! Throw away all your friends just to indulge in a endless materialistic rat-race! Besides, rats should only associate with rats."
*************** Success Trait 3 ***************
'Successful Businessmen Don't Give Up!"
- Winston Churchill once said, "Never, Never, Never, Give Up!"
Successful businessmen are tough. Do you know what's the difference between successful business and those that are not successful. The successful ones are those that nearly went bust but survived to tell the story.
Having a business plan is definitely crucial but it is the character of the 'Captain' that determines the fate of a company.
Why do I get the feeling like he's trying to peddle his omnipotent business plan like a religion? Its almost like him trying to convince the average reader to revere him as some sort of spiritual leader or a god.
P.S. - If you are one of the losers who think you're one, you should forget that you ever received this email and unsubscribe from the mailing list. Your email will be banned from receiving stuff from me FOREVER.
Brilliant stuff. Welcome to elementary/primary school once again. I would expect no less from the CEO of his own company.
Regards, Edmund Ng CEO, President www.Internet-Empire.com
And good luck to you too.
I cringe at the thought of people actually buying his banter, and becoming mindless yes-men in a pyramid of fiscal fluff. May your god of business success bless you all.
Everything is gonna be alright. (Really?)
"Which would you prefer,
My finger on the trigger or,
Me face down across your floor?"