wanhin | Grow old with you.
Tuesday, 13 December 2005
2:07 am

Well well.. if you had intentionally ignored the notice that this blog is *still* under construction, then here you go.

There is NOTHING here.
There is NOTHING here.
There is NOTHING here.
There is NOTHING here.
There is NOTHING here.

save for a few old, odd posts from the previous incarnation of my blog. I can't even get the bloody comments to work, let alone anything else.

but then again.. I won't be doing that 'rant about my life every other day' crap. maybe an odd post now and then.. but its mostly gonna be pictures. Me and my happy little k750i. Expect to see images inspired by boredom, narcissism, inane instincts, etc..

well.. that's about it for now. I'll work on it some other day, when i have some real time. off to bed.~
